My head is whirling with information this morning. I had a great weekend, and my week started off great today with a great job interview this morning. Since I have started this weight loss challenge my physical and mental well being are more in balance I think. In my quiet time this morning I read the familiar passage in Psalm, "Create in me a clean heart, O Lord my God, and renew a right spirit within me." Then when I got an email from my mom-in-law and she needed encouragement, I thought of the scripture in Psalm that says, "Why so downcast, O my soul, put your hope in God!" And finally I was just thinking over our small group study last night about the passage when Jesus walks on the water and calls Peter to do the same. I know that daily I need to make a habit of going through a kind of metamorphosis:
I see the weight of my circumstances and the worries of this world crashing around me like waves, and although my humanity is weak I know I can look to Jesus and have faith He'll carry me through it. As I walk through it I know I can have hope in knowing He will create something new in me, renewing me and refreshing me for something incredible today.
Now don't get me wrong, I don't have a dramatic event to report each day, but I think it is pretty remarkable to go through the day with the expectation that God has something good for me. I think He wants us to expect it, because I know He wants us to have the desires of our hearts. Although it may take more effort to do this each day, it is better than wallowing in the hum drum mediocrity that could overcome us in its place.


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