I admit I am an impatient person. It doesn't show, in fact, most people say I come across as a very patient person. That's God--He provides that for me cause without Him I am certain I would be a very grouchy, short tempered person that most people would not enjoy being around. Yesterday in my quiet time I read about God's desire for us to love Him and love others, and today I read about how much He desires for us to be obedient and to honor Him in all we do. He laid out the rules for His people, requiring us to honor Him in everything we do and say. It must have been awesome and frightening to hear the voice of God and experience the things they did as He spoke. I wonder what the voice of God sounds like? For me, it has never been an audible voice, I would say it is more of a whisper in my spirit and movement within my heart in the form of deep conviction. I think it is different for every person. Yesterday was a hard day for me. I felt I was in a terrible battle, and Satan was trying his best to win my attitude, my outlook on life, my mood. I felt I was under attack, and the reality of it is we are under attack more often than we realize. There are times it truly catches me off guard though. On the way home from work last night I just prayed in the silence for comfort and healing. I told God how much I loved Him, and I told Satan to leave me alone. It is really frustrating and upsetting when I realize how much Satan can take from me--but I also realize I can call him out and tell him to scram! The truth is I am a child of God, He is my Lord and my Savior and nothing can change that. It is both empowering and comforting to know we have such a powerful and merciful God. I am armed with the Word and with my salvation to face any obstacle I encounter in my day. God is good, and His promises are true.
Mission trip
Mission trip. The words don't do justice to the purpose, do they? What it is is so much deeper, fuller, richer than the two words actually sound like. Those two words make it sound so simple, but in reality it is an incredible journey that will impact a human life on so many levels. I have had the wonderful opportunity at several times in my life to serve in missions, both here in the United States and abroad. My parents were huge supporters of home and foreign missions all their lives, and we were raised to have a great appreciation for missions as a result. I have incredible memories of our trip to Hong Kong when I was 14 years old. I served in the summer missions program in my hometown, Springfield, Missouri, for several years working in day camps with local kids of all ages. I served in Hawaii for one summer working with some challenging kids in one of the most dangerous neighborhoods in a small town on the island of Oahu. I served in Salt Lake City, Utah during the Wi...