Required of me

I am not proud of it, in fact, it is something I am ashamed to admit. There are moments I am utterly at the end of myself and drowning in thoughts of panic, anxiety, overwhelming doubt because of what life has handed me today. Yesterday on my way home from work I found myself asking God, "What more do You require of us?" I could go on and on, the flood of emotions, questions, all of it. The human mind can send you spiraling into a very deep, dark hole if we allow it. But, somehow as I was trying to push myself above the waves of these thoughts, I started to hear the song by Christy Nockels in my head after hearing it twice yesterday, the words circling over and over, "Waiting here for You with my hands lifted high in praise!" Once again, I found I was at the end of myself and I didn't know what else to do, I literally said to God, "I don't know what else to do except give You praise! Even in this very moment, I know You are still so good!" How is that possible? As I drove on I sensed it as I let the feeling of helplessness overwhelm me and the realization that I could not go on one more moment....His peace began to wash over me. Waiting here for life is Yours....Waiting here for You....You are still on your throne....Waiting here for You....God, You are so good! No matter what life gives me, I know You will give me the strength and peace to ride the waves! As I find myself gasping for breath in this realization, my heart rate slows, His peace comes in like fresh air to fill my lungs, and I have this clarity. Thank You Lord, for Your protection, Your provision, Your purpose for my life! Hallelujah! I am waiting here for You and I will lift my hands in praise even on the worst of days! You are so good! You are so good!
Psalm 62:11 ...Strength comes straight from God!


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