Our Great Provider

I am astounded daily at what is happening in our country; and yet, I am even more astounded by how God provides so perfectly. No matter how bad things may appear to be here on earth, He is still on His throne! He does not change and will not be changed by our circumstances. We may be knocked around, beaten up, pulverized, ground up and spit out by what life sends our way--but God is still God and He will take care of us every step of the way. I was burdened today by an article I read about the poverty in our nation. It is heartbreaking, frustrating, so unbelievable to read about these people and how one moment they had secure jobs, raising a family of their own, and now they find themselves in a completely different and what seems like impossible situation. I realized as I read on, trying to swallow this information down just how close every single one of us is to being in their situation. What do you do, how to you go on, when does it get better?

I read in my devotional today about a woman, she was on the brink of losing her two sons because she couldn't pay her debt. She sought help from Elisha, and after following his instructions, something miraculous occurred. God provided, and because she believed and obeyed, her family was taken care of. Not unlike Peter, when he chose to step out on the water and walk to Jesus. He didn't hesitate, he believed and obeyed.

What is boggling to the human mind is to grasp in its entirety just how awesome our God is! It is truly beyond our comprehension so it is no wonder we struggle to reside in joy, to reside in peace, to reside in full and complete trust in Him. By choosing daily to drink in His Word, to sit at his feet and pour our hearts out to Him, to choose to relinquish our all to Him--we are strengthened and we are at peace. We can face another day, we can know for sure--beyond what our minds can comprehend--that God knows us, loves us, and will take care of us. Here's truth for today:

Isaiah 55:9 As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts.

God knows us and loves us so deeply and because of that, we know that He will not let us fall. He never fails, He will overcome what seems to us to be impossible. He will make a way.


Anonymous said…
So true. God is our rock.
Anonymous said…
So true. God is our rock.

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