It's Monday yet again. I was out sick several days last week and so now I return to the unending catch up work. Uggh. Mondays can be tough as it is, but it seems harder given my circumstances. I am still getting over this crud and not in the best of moods, people are being demanding and impatient as usual in my line of work, so stress levels are high today. I can't wait for 4:30 to come. Fall is arriving whether we are ready for it or not. School, new schedules, new events, busy, busy, busy....I am too tired for this. I wish summer lasted longer than it has. My daughter, Rylee, started middle school last week--yikes! She is adjusting pretty well, but I know there will be more hurdles to come. Bailey is in second grade and so far, so good. He started football--oh yeah! That's my boy. He is loving it, although he's finding even the fun of football includes some hard work. AJ, my sweet youngest is rolling right along and I am missing being at home with him. Ryan and I are working on this debt thing, gotta get it done. At some point some relief will come I am sure, but for a little while we'll be noses to the grindstone. Each day I start my prayer with thanks for the little things, thanks for one more day, thanks for being...just being who You are God. Some days that's all I need to get me through.
Mission trip
Mission trip. The words don't do justice to the purpose, do they? What it is is so much deeper, fuller, richer than the two words actually sound like. Those two words make it sound so simple, but in reality it is an incredible journey that will impact a human life on so many levels. I have had the wonderful opportunity at several times in my life to serve in missions, both here in the United States and abroad. My parents were huge supporters of home and foreign missions all their lives, and we were raised to have a great appreciation for missions as a result. I have incredible memories of our trip to Hong Kong when I was 14 years old. I served in the summer missions program in my hometown, Springfield, Missouri, for several years working in day camps with local kids of all ages. I served in Hawaii for one summer working with some challenging kids in one of the most dangerous neighborhoods in a small town on the island of Oahu. I served in Salt Lake City, Utah during the Wi...