Where He leads me I will follow

I have so many thoughts in my head today as I am looking forward to departure to Barbados on Saturday. I have a lot of packing to do, but I am ready and I have everything I need. I was just thinking this morning that the women's study we have been doing is so applicable to this time in my life. We are learning about women Paul commended in the New Testament church. All of these women lived lives of great risk, bold faith and sacrifice for the sake of the cross. It has come full circle for me as I approach this mission trip and reflect upon their example to me. I am going because God called me and made a way, because there is a need and I have chosen to be available to Him for His use, because God is not done with His people...we must go and share the gospel! Matthew 28 is our motto, our life's purpose on this earth to look beyond ourselves and our comfortable lives to be completely used by God for a higher purpose. I don't care what I accumulate in this life in terms of the world's measure of success, but that I would be wealthy in terms of something of eternal value. I know that this experience will bring me to a much deeper, stronger devotion to my Lord, and I know that He will not be done with me after this trip ends. I hope and pray that this experience brings me to a greater understanding of God's greater purpose for me. I am a child of God, a ready and willing servant who desires to spend time with Him, to seek out opportunities daily to share His precious love and the gift of Jesus with others. As He leads, I will follow His calling upon my life. I am so thankful, so humbled, so blessed to be part of something so amazing and life changing.


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