
So, chosen by God for this new life of love, dress in the wardrobe God picked out for you: compassion, kindness, humility, quiet strength, discipline. Be even-tempered, content with second place, quick to forgive an offense. Forgive as quickly and completely as the Master forgave you. And regardless of what else you put on, wear love. It’s your basic, all-purpose garment. Never be without it.
(Colossians 3:13-14 MSG)

Some of you are in a battle today for your life,
For your marriage,
For your children,
So when you wake up to this day…..

#1. What is your FOCUS?

What is your first thought? First spoken word? First action?
What is the primary driving force in your life today?

#2. Where is your ACCOUNTABILITY?

How are choosing to live a life that is transformed by Christ?
Who do you trust and who are you making consistent time to meet with, relate to, pray with, study the Word? Where are you going to church? Are you in a supportive community group? Are you seeking human connection or are you isolating yourself? Make it your habit daily, weekly, monthly. Therapy, AA, Pastoral counseling, Women’s group/Men’s group, etc.
When life gets hard, when poor choices are made, when what we have known and trusted is now failing, it is easy and dare I say, human nature, to turn inward and push everyone away.
You may be feeling judged by others, labeled, criticized unfairly for what is happening in your life right now. Even by God. And how could anyone do that. They don’t know the full story. They don’t know you. They don’t know what you have been through. Right?

#3. What is your CHOICE?

Actions speak louder than words. So, how is your speech and your actions honoring Christ?
You cannot expect a thing to get better if you are living a life that does not honor Christ 100%.
You cannot expect change, real and lasting change, unless you choose it. Nobody can choose it for you. No amount of therapy, advice, good intentions pointed your way will force it to happen. You must choose it! You must choose to do the necessary hard work.

If you want to repair what is broken in your life, start with confession. Confession is not a quick fix, it can take time to unload all that has weighed you down. So release it. Give it to God, and I mean all of it. Release it and turn completely away from it in full repentance. You cannot live the abundant life Christ has for you if you don’t choose repentance.

If you want to repair what is broken in your marriage, speak and act in a way that fully honors Christ. Your spouse is a gift from God. When you committed this union to God and to each other, there were no exceptions. If you are speaking and acting in a way that is anything less than honoring Christ-then you are only doing more harm to an already broken situation. If you can’t get beyond the he said/she said, and you cannot carry a civil conversation, then get a mediator.

If you want to repair what is broken in your relationship with your child, consider the example you are giving them. They are watching you and they are absorbing every example you provide AT ALL TIMES. You cannot undo any unhealthy influence, and you cannot expect them to only pay attention to what you think is your good influence. They know, and they are aware of more than you realize. Don’t be a hypocrite. Drop your pride, get real and be honest. Confess your failure as a parent to your child, ask for their forgiveness, and choose to speak and act in a way that honors Christ. Choose it. Set a new pattern and watch as God does a new work in the relationship between you and your child.

My heart is broken and I am deeply convicted today to share this because I am astounded by the level of divisiveness in our community today. I am absolutely convinced now more than ever, we are in desperate need of a Savior! We are foolish to think we have any of this figured out on our own. We need to stop wallowing in our anguish over why things are the way they are, how to fix it and simply TRUST OUR GOD! We don’t understand His ways, and we are not meant to. He is God, we are not. Our faith is grown, our trust is strengthened, when we choose to trust Him no matter what. No excuses. No recalling all that has occurred in your life, because He already knows. You can choose change, and life transformation, or you can continue to live in a state of unrest. One choice honors Christ and His purpose for you.
One choice honors your pride, your need for control, your need for validation.

I believe in you, but I believe in God more.

He is ready to do a new work in you.

But you must choose it.

What will you choose today to repair what is broken? What will you choose today to live as Christ intends? I pray you will start today.

Choose to honor Him with your life.


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