Finding my Adamant.....

I will refresh the weary and satisfy the faint. (Jeremiah 31:25 NIV)

In my 46 years of life on this planet, I have experienced my share of failures and triumphs. I have received more criticism than I would prefer, both personal and professional, but I have chosen to use it to propel me forward. When circumstances seemed to be at their worst, I chose to trust God, tell Him, “Okay, Lord, I know You have got this, I hear You and I am moving forward!” and I am thankful, incredibly thankful for the experience the journey has brought me. I have more confidence, more tenacity, less concern for what others think and a greater appreciation for finding my own version of balance. I am not perfect by any means-I know I need to take more time out to rest and re-charge, eat a little less (stress eating-oy!), exercise more and above all take more time to lean in and be still in the presence of my Father God.! This week alone, my tired is tired.

Last night I had the joy of witnessing my son Bailey being inducted into the National Honor Society for Willard High School-it was a proud Mama moment for sure! Before the ceremony, I had a chance to chat with some friends and he made the comment, “We have something in common-not gonna be empty nesters either of us anytime soon!” We both got a laugh out of it, agreed this ride of life is amazing and often comes with a few surprises. Ryan has been commenting recently and reminding me, “Do you realize how old we are gonna be when Chloe graduates high school?” She is 7 and in first grade now, so do the math. Phew. And I think I’m tired now? God has a great sense of humor. But, His timing is perfect!

How do we keep a healthy, happy, positive, flourishing perspective when our human capacity seems to be disintegrating? Isn’t it incredible to know God is absolutely adamant about us? We are impressed and influenced constantly, daily, as this life pounds us into the dust. What a breakthrough for our situation to acknowledge His perfect peace, strength and mercy every single day! It will wash over you and me, the moment we choose to lay down all that threatens to crush us, release every burden we think we must carry, surrender fully and wholeheartedly to the God who created us.

He created you to find in the depth of failure, your reason to flourish.

You are a masterpiece. He did not create you only to let you fold at the first failure you experience in this life. He created you to find in the depth of failure, your reason to flourish. You must find it for yourself, discover anew He is with you in it and you are absolutely capable of getting back up, moving on. What does that look like for you? For me? I can recount seasons of my life when I let my failure knock me down and keep me down. I chose to wallow in my disappointment, which turned into bitterness and anger. That choice made me the person I didn’t want to be, and I know God did not intend for me to be. I can’t take that time lost back, I can’t re-do it. But, I can look back and see in my life timeline how God was there, He was faithful, He provided for me but He allowed me to find my way back to Him. I had to experience a very lonely, desperate season to truly appreciate the depth of God’s love and mercy for me. I am learning as I get a little older, this is the all-encompassing human experience God has for each of us. Life is not easy, it is unpredictable and seemingly insurmountable at times, but our God-He is our Adamant! He is unshakeable and immovable, and absolutely delights in you! Listen in, lean in and ask Him to pour His peace and strength over you today. It’s refreshing to take time daily and meditate upon this, praise Him and thank Him without ceasing! I encourage you to do the same.

‘... today, God is speaking to those places you thought were desolate, and He is offering to turn them into a garden again.’ (Adamant, Lisa Bevere)


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