The Unravel.....

‘I have told you this so that you may have peace in Me…..’ John 16:33

God, I’m not at peace right now. I spend more time day to day trying to lighten the load on my brain, giving it over to You, because the stress, the worry, the weight of it all doesn’t ever let up.

The ‘What if …?’ questions circle through my mind constantly. For my husband, for my children, for our aging parents and their health challenges, for family and friends facing any number of challenges in their lives, for our country as we watch so much unfold amongst our leaders that is unhealthy, unreasonable, unimaginable, just completely unacceptable.

And yet, You are not surprised by any of this. This world is not our home. This world is not perfect and not what you intended when you created Eden. What a mess we have made of things, Lord. We spend far too much time trying to make this world what we think it ought to be, rather than starting by focusing on You and Your intent, Your purpose, Your plan. How selfish and foolish we are to assume to know and understand completely what You intend.

As I choose to center my heart, my mind, my intention on You each day, and as I unravel all this that has me bound up…..I discover something so simple, so powerful and so wonderful all at once.

You are here.

You never change.

You remain.

You are God, and I am not.

The days I find myself more bound up than others, I realize very quickly just how much I’m trying to do in my own strength. It hits me: I don’t trust You, God.

The unravel begins here: I know I have failed, I know I am a sinner, and I know I am completely inadequate on my own. Thanks be to God, He loves me and He forgives me and He has grace abundant for me. What a rush of relief, of peace, when I am able to release. What a comfort to know He gets me - and loves me anyway. What a Savior!

Easter should not be the one and only time of year we take significant, life-changing time out to acknowledge we need a Savior. We need Him every day. He is our Reason for living, our Purpose, our Intent.


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