
For I am about to do something new.
See, I have already begun! Do you not see it?
I will make a pathway through the wilderness.
I will create rivers in the dry wasteland. Isaiah 43:19 NLT

This week I’ve kind of been in a funk. Burdened for loved ones who are in a difficult season of life and true to my personality-I am heartbroken and want to help. I don’t like being in that place. Stuck in the wrestling between my flesh and my spirit. God knows their need and will care for them perfectly, but for whatever reason I struggle to release it to Him. I struggle with trusting them fully to His care. It’s a terrible struggle, and I should be able to let it go right?

I shared last week a funny moment we had one evening on our walk through the neighborhood. I watched as my youngest Chloe, laughed and jumped around, so animated, so concerned about a horsefly bothering her Daddy. “Get off my Dad!!” It was funny at the time, but I am reflecting on that today in a deeper sense. I find it hard to resist reacting that same way when someone I love is in harm’s way. I want to help them, rescue them, protect them. But, I’m not the one intended to do that. There is only one who can do that far better than I, than anyone of us. He has the victory, every single time. Our hope, our help is in Christ Jesus. We know this to be true the day we accept Him into our hearts, but why is it so hard to maintain that? Why do we struggle to release it to Him right away when we enter into a difficult season? I think it is partly because our memory of the last time He delivered us is what we compare it to. The timing, the details, the whole scenario of how God delivered us that first time. It’s all too easy to expect a carbon copy deliverance every time we face a difficult season. Are you with me?

I gave a listen today to Steven Furtick’s message entitled, “Barriers to Blessings” and it stuck me precisely where I needed it. God gave Him a word and I got it. All too often when we seek deliverance in a difficult season, we expect Him to do it the same way He did it last time. Memory is a beautiful thing especially when we can recall His faithfulness to us. But we have to be careful in our perception of our God, that we don’t allow our faith to be in the system more than the Source. When we approach a difficult season, how do we talk to Father God about it? Do we rattle off a prayer in systematic fashion, telling him our struggle and then without missing a beat asking him in almost an instruction manual format to take care of it? Do you find yourself telling God how to deliver you? I think it is a realistic and dangerous place we must acknowledge we may find ourselves in. This is the place we have to choose deliberately, with complete abandon to our own perception, to throw off all we know and have experienced before, and trust Him absolutely. I am fiercely protective of my loved ones, and so my natural reaction to the things that threaten to take me or any one of them down in this life will always be like Chloe’s reaction to that horsefly buzzing around her Daddy. I’m learning as I get a bit older, to trust God with far less preconceived ideas in my head and a lot more simple trust from my heart.

So join me today, take some time to do a bit more meditation, yoga, quiet time, prayer, study with the Lord and release it all into His waiting hands.

He’s got this.

We don’t need to know how or why or when, we just need to trust the One who is going to take care of it.

He’s a good Father!


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