Live in Freedom, Live in His Purpose!

Psalm 37:23 If you are right with God, He strengthens you for the journey; the Eternal will be pleased with your life.

He came. He died. He rose. He lives in us. Are we living in Him?

Praying this week for so many needs, burdened by what is happening to friends close by and our communities in our country, and in our world. Suffering, struggling, wandering and perhaps wondering if and when life is ever going to get any better. I have an answer. If you keep going at this pace...

NO. It will not.

We are given this thing called life, such a blessing to have this life and live it out as best we can. Are we doing that? Who are you living it for? Succeeding in life is wonderful, we all want that on some level personally and professionally. The sense of accomplishment when we have met a goal we set for ourselves, well, it’s an amazing feeling isn’t it? What do we do when we fail? How do we handle disappointment? How are we living beyond our past, our struggles, our mistakes? New life in Christ gives us the greatest reason of all to make the most and the best of this life we have been given.

When is the last time you spoke positive, affirming words over someone you love? Your spouse, your child, your friends, your coworkers? Or are you content to keep going at this pace of hammering everyone around you with the attitude of my way is not necessarily the right way but I’m going to make it known anyway, for all to hear, leaving an impact on people’s lives that cannot be repaired? When is the last time you stopped and thought before you spoke, realizing what you speak will leave an impression on someone’s life permanently? Negative thinking, acting, living can be very comfortable and easy and it can be infectious to those whom you have an influence on whether you realize it or not. Positive thinking, acting, living can have an even greater impact on others. Consider the benefits….longer life, better health, and an ability to reach further in your goals and purpose in life because you take what happens in life for what it’s worth, learn from it and move on!
Don’t let your choice be to live life ‘as is’, assuming it is not going to get any better than this present season and if it is, well it’s just sheer dumb luck or what you may not realize you’ve mentally labeled as a short term blessing. Let the self-pity party, self-loathing, downward spiral that is depression, despair and anguish win. What a horrible way to live the life that God has given you!

Child of God, you have no excuse! Stand firm, shake it off and determine that God has greater purpose for you far beyond what you can conceive in this very moment! You have a choice, you always have a choice especially because of Christ, to step into a life of freedom and live it! If you are stuck, if you are struggling, then for goodness sake call upon the name of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob to deliver you and prosper you as He fully intends to! You have a whole lot of reasons around you to live this life greater than you are today. I am ashamed to admit how many days, months, years I wasted wallowing in seasons in doubt, fear and anger because I had the audacity to think my God wasn’t there or wasn’t big enough to take care of me and my family. It nearly makes me sick at my stomach to consider the time I wasted. I know this breaks the Father’s heart, and I am so thankful He never left me, that He forgave me and was there all along waiting for me to return to Him.

You are His Masterpiece, You shall be strengthened and shielded throughout this life to overcome and live victoriously!

So where do you stand today? Are you living fully in the freedom He has given you from the day you said yes to Him? If not, I want to pray for you! I believe He has great things planned for every single one of you. What is stopping you? No matter what you are facing today, stop right now and ask God to meet you where you are, to release this oppression from your life, and to strengthen you to step out and live in the freedom He has given you! The key here is you have to choose it. When you choose to live in a mindset of expectation that God deeply loves and cares for you and has purpose for every single thing that happens, you will be a much healthier, happier, eternally wealthier person than before. We have an opportunity every single day to be better than we feel like being. Be loving even when you don’t feel like it. Speak words of life instead of words of gossip and negativity. We are never truly going to be our best, complete and whole until we stand before the Father in heaven. This life is a journey, so choose right now to make the best of it and live it well.

Don’t just live life on purpose. Live it in His purpose.


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