Sinking or Seeking?

Having one of those days, and they seem to be hitting me in groups of several days in a row lately. Just sinking dangerously close to a place that seems harder to climb out sometimes. If I didn't have the amazing force of love and encouragement around me in my family, my inspiring friends, key women in my life who are truly mentors to me, well, I'd simply let myself be sunk and probably settle there comfortably for awhile. The vicious cycle of life, a brutally busy schedule, and no choice but to keep moving forward or get run over is staggering most days because I would quite simply prefer to roll over under my cozy comforter than to force myself to stumble step by step out of my bed at around 6:00am-ish in the morning. The startling truth though of my reality is that the "hard" of life, is well, just what I need. And not only do I know it, but God knows it because He allows it. He has a purpose for this regardless of my understanding it. So I have a choice, every single day. Choose it. Live it. Stumble into it and simply live it the best I know how because.....I am Him. He is me. I have the Father living inside me and therefore I reflect Him to this world. So instead of sinking into what I am feeling or prefer at any given moment, I will seek Him instead.

Whatever our condition today, we are all geared toward our own creature comforts that will typically get us going, get the engine humming so to speak. I love this scripture that was delivered to me via email today. Just what I needed and what I know several friends need today so catch this, soak in it and let it ripple off of you to someone else:

And when people thirst, when those poor souls with parched tongues
look in vain for something to drink,
I, the Eternal, the God of Israel, won’t leave them to suffer. I will respond
By making the hard, brown hills sparkle with streams of fresh water
and causing valleys to come alive with springs.
I will see that gentle pools wait on the desert floor for the weary traveler,
and great fountains bubble up from dry ground; (Isaiah 41:17-18 The Voice translation)

I don't know about you, but I am gonna be thirsty and hungry every single day for not only what my physical condition needs, but what my spiritual conditions needs. Not just needs, REQUIRES! Father God speaks here to us and PROMISES us He will not leave us to SUFFER, but He will RESPOND by refreshing our dried, cracked, hardened lives with a refreshing, infusing what once was barren to something alive, flourishing and bubbling over like a fountain coming up out of the ground. Can you envision it? Do this right now for yourself. He is ready to provide this to me, and to you. He is steady, we are not. He can be trusted, even when life is letting us down. We cannot expect Him to speak or meet our need based on what we perceive as best for us; we should expect Him to be patient, allowing us to linger in seasons of waiting and silence, because those are the seasons He intends for our maturing and nurturing to take place. Remember, He is the Author and Perfector of our faith who took our place in the most horrible way imaginable but as this scripture states '....He endured the cross and ignored the shame of that death because He focused on the joy that was set before Him;' (Hebrews 12:2 The Voice translation)

He IGNORED the shame.....IGNORED it and FOCUSED ON THE JOY SET BEFORE HIM! How can we possibly ALLOW any circumstance we face in our lives to DISTRACT us from that promise?

Look up, my friend, look up today from your current state of being and see how the Father sees you. He loves you, how He loves you! I've had this song on repeat this morning because it fits so beautifully with what God has been speaking to me this morning. I hope it does the same for you. I'm praying for you. I don't have all the answers, but hope something I've said causes you to look to the One who loves you most and best.

(Steady Heart by Steffany Gretzinger and Amanda Cook)


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