Another Monday, it's upon me whether I'm ready for it or not. I gotta do this, I have responsibilities, and God how I'd much rather stay in bed and sleep because it is freaking bitterly cold outside and my bed is really soft and warm but I get it. You're right. I can do this, I need to this, and somehow You give me the strength I need to face it and make the best of it. Thanks God. But if I'm being honest here, I'm just not up for it. Routine Monday morning, got Chloe to daycare and myself settled in at work. Or so I thought. I am not settling in. In fact, I have this almost tangible feeling of well, simply feeling unsettled today. Why is that? I immediately went to the Father in prayer asking His presence to fill my life, the lives of others today who are in need of simply knowing He is there, and to trust Him fully, and then He gave it to me.....Psalm 46.

Be still and know that I am God. Just be still, be calm.

It hasn't sunk in yet, so perhaps this simply statement, this simple phrase, this truth from God's Word, is meant for me to mull over all day long. Be still. I haven't had a enough coffee yet today, but okay, I'm gonna lean into Him, I'm gonna let Him have it all because for some reason I feel like I forgot something or something is just undone in me today and I can't put my finger on it.

Song came to mind and I looked it up online and listened to it while meditating on what He's speaking to me today, His word in Psalm 46. Be still and know Me. That's all you need today. Calm, still, and simply know Me.

Be still my soul
The Lord is on your side
Bear patiently
The cross of grief or pain
Leave to thy God
To order and provide
In every change
He faithful will remain.
(Be Still My Soul (What a Friend We Have in Jesus, by Selah)

Whatever this thing is that's got me unsettled today, I know as the words hit me, the scripture, the song, the knowledge that He is enough and I can rest in Him, I should let go and do just that.

Be still, be calm, and know that I am God. Then, I can do the work in you that I intend to do.

I hear Him saying it, in my heart I do, so I'll keep my mind and my heart focused on Him today, this week, however long He intends to do this thing in me until I'm completely unraveled and completely still.

I know I should be thankful to be in this place today because it means God is working. I wonder what He is up to? Prayers appreciated for Ryan and I. Thankful for this season and hopeful for what has for us in the days ahead. We are praying for you.....


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