God setting things right, finding my way on this journey of faith...

For the life of my fourth-born child, Chloe Grace, God has been slowly unraveling me and breaking my heart and my soul down into something new. I have realized in that time through a lot of every day, not so monumental, but occasionally revealing moments with Him that I've gotten in the way of my own potential. He's been whispering something new into my heart for several months now. It is hard to put it into words, mainly because He has spoken so clearly to me that the time isn't right. This is a work, a new work in me that is very much in progress. I have dreams, aspirations, some I've shared over the years, my passion and interest in therapy/counseling, my appreciation and deep love for the mentoring of young women, and a passion for worship ministry beside my amazing and gifted husband. There's such a world, endless world of possibilities imagining what God could do next in our lives.

He pointed me to Romans, twice now in the past month. This pointed instruction of what is truly at the heart, at the core, of what we are doing and who we are to be in Christ. We can do, say, act on what we think will make us right with God, what will grow our relationship with Him, what will fill our churches, what will take up the majority of our time for the sake of the Kingdom, but throw away the clock, the schedule, the "vision plan", whatever it is we have on paper or planned out in an acceptable and agreed upon format by our leaders, our committees, our teams, and the bottom line is.....

Are we considering first and foremost if we are truly right with God?

Before we lift a finger, before we utter a word, before we make a single move for the sake of any idea we think we have that will work---Are we truly right with God?

Are we allowing His voice, His Word to invade our compartmentalized, inadequate, jumbled up, frenzied minds and resolving that Yes! My mind, my heart, my soul are fully and wholly focused on You, my God and King?

In Romans 10 I read tonight that 'the Word that saves is right here, as near as the tongue in your mouth, as close as the heart in your chest. It's the word of faith that welcomes God to go to work and set things right for us. This is the core of our preaching.
.....With your whole being you embrace God setting things right, and then you say it, right out loud: "God has set everything right between him and me!"

....Before you trust, you have to listen. But unless Christ's Word is preached, there's nothing to listen to.

Are we listening? Are we truly listening when He speaks to us in the quiet, in the midst of precious time spent alone with Him every day? Are we seeking Him throughout our day, unceasingly, on the drive to work, in the middle of that project at your desk, at the end of a difficult phone conversation, as you drive home after work and try to make it through the remainder of your evening with some form of time to unwind and find time alone with Him again before your head hits the pillow?

Please join me starting this weekend, Saturday July 12 as I find time to get away with the Father to truly listen, allow Him to unravel me further, and speak clearly what His will is for me in the days that lay ahead? I will be sharing my experiences weekly on my blog as well as a brief video journal. I hope you will tune in and share your thoughts. I am praying for you, and I believe God has a word to speak to your heart. I can't wait to hear about it.

Love this journey, rocky roads and all-



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