I know that You are for me....

I know that You are for me,
I know that You are for me,
I know that You will never forsake me in my weakness.
I know that You have come now
Even if to write upon my heart….
To remind me of who You are!---Kari Jobe, “You are For Me”

Are you weak today? Are you in need of a fill, mind-body-spirit feeling depleted? Life is tiresome isn’t it? I have read countless stories, spoken with and shared heartache with dear friends, and experienced it ourselves personally: what we can only interpret as an unexpected, devastating blow to our so-called “life plan”. This has been an on the edge of our seats kind of year. We took the leap, moved to Missouri in search of a better job for Ryan and a fresh start for our family just a little over a year ago. As we enter year 2 in this new season, we find ourselves in an exciting yet nerve wracking season. God is good, all the time! He has provided for our every need, every step of the way and at times just in the last moments when we thought we just might not meet a particular need. We knew coming out of what Ryan experienced in Indiana, the struggle to find a good job and decent wage for him, that the road to recovery would not be a quick and easy one. Recovery, particularly from job loss and an extended period of temporary or minimal paying jobs, is a long, hard process. We have been watching and praying over the past month or so as God has opened several doors for new opportunities for Ryan.

We are experiencing a mixture of emotions today, and I have to admit we are shaken but not completely crushed. God has provided an amazing ministry opportunity for Ryan as part time Worship Pastor at The Crossing Church in Springfield. We are thrilled, humbled and blessed to have been provided with this position of service and ministry. More recently, this past week has brought another answer to Ryan in the secular work world. The doors to two different positions at MSU closed as they chose to go with another candidate and passed on Ryan. There is a struggle then, between two things—the blessing, the joy of seeing God’s provision in one way, but the anxiety and stress of uncertainty in another area. The reality of our situation, is that we are still in recovery financially. As we approach another year, a new school year, the rising cost of living for our family with four growing children, and we see what our needs are and work our budget to the bone trying to figure out how we can make what we have work just a little bit longer---we can choose to do one of two things:

1. Panic
2. Pray

Go has called us, loves us, and desires for us to approach Him with confidence, with a bold and eager attitude to simply throw every care we have down and trust him fully and completely! Do you know what freedom there is when we choose mentally and physically to say,
“I will not be consumed by the things of this world! I will not be overwhelmed! God is MORE than able! He will provide and provide ABUNDANTLY! Lord, we need You, and we trust You to take care of it ALL!”

The song “You are For Me” has been flowing in my heart and mind for several days now. He knows me, He loves me, He wants and desires for me to praise Him, sing to Him, honor Him at all times! Can we say that when trouble comes, our first reaction is to praise Him? Probably not, because our natural reaction is to recoil, cry out “Why!” and “Help me!” So, what if we did something different? What if we choose to in that moment, immediately praise our God for being Who He is even when we have no clue why something has happened? These are difficult days for so many of us, and as I type this I am thinking of a number of sweet friends who are seeking, desperately seeking what God would have for them to do today. I know you are struggling my friend, but I know your struggle is unnecessary! I know, that somehow, in some way, my God will supply precisely what you need. I say that not only for you, but for me as well. I don’t know exactly how, but I know that my God is more than able—and that knowledge alone must be enough, because I want Him to count me faithful and obedient at all times. I am inspired to make a choice to approach these difficult times, moments of uncertainty with far more hope than I’ve had in the past. Make no mistake, we are in a battle daily, throughout our day, and if we allow human nature to win, we are giving Satan a victory he does not deserve. Take heart and have hope!

I lift up my eyes to the mountains—
where does my help come from?
My help comes from the LORD,
the Maker of heaven and earth.
He will not let your foot slip—
he who watches over you will not slumber;
indeed, he who watches over Israel
will neither slumber nor sleep.
The LORD watches over you—
the LORD is your shade at your right hand;
the sun will not harm you by day,
nor the moon by night.
The LORD will keep you from all harm—
he will watch over your life;
the LORD will watch over your coming and going
both now and forevermore.---Psalm 121 NIV


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