I am having a rather groggy Monday. One child and a husband sick with a cold, so it kind of makes everyone move a little slower. I was moving about the house this morning wondering what I could let go, just didn't feel like doing it all today. Somehow I got enough umph in my gut to get moving, get the ball rolling on my list of to-do's. I was reading in my quiet time today about the goodness and mercy God provides for us. Psalm 23:6 says, "Surely goodness and unfailing love will pursue me all the days of my life, and I will live in the house of the Lord forever." I love the use of the word pursue in the New Living Translation. Do you know this truth in your own life? I think if mentally I prepared myself better each day by telling myself, "God's goodness and unfailing love is pursuing me today!" I would have a better outlook. Can the same thing be said for you? What is in the forefront of our minds when our eyes open and our minds first become alert to a new day? I know for me it is usually, "Uggh, just ten more minutes of sleep..." and I hit the snooze button one more time. That doesn't happen very often though, cause having three children requires I get moving or my day is all out of whack. Today and everyday, I can get up with a little bit better frame of mind knowing God is pursuing me with his goodness and unfailing love. Returning to the promise frequently in my mind and heart will help shape my attitude for the day ahead. That should be a sweet challenge for all of us.


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