Setting my focus, Finding peace

 I have been going longer stretches this year without blogging, not sure why but I find it difficult to write more often than I have in years past.  I'm sad to admit my Mom's declining health, the slow grief of losing her more and more to alzheimers and trying to help my Dad manage through it all is a heavy burden. 

So to lighten that burden, I have found comfort in long drives of silence, taking time to listen more than I speak, the sound of the birds chirping and singing after a cool rain, the secadas humming away in the humidity of a summer day, the smell and taste of homemade salsa in my kitchen, the soft comfort of my favorite blanket as I nap on a Sunday afternoon.  Sometimes the little things in life are just what is needed to find peace.

We brought an amazing song in our worship set this weekend at our church, and I am still lingering on 2 lines in particular that resonated with me and this current season of life:

......Sickness is not my story, You are!

Heartbreak's not my home, You are!.....

(Fear is Not My Future, Maverick City Music)

We've done the song several times now as it is part of our current song rotation, but for some reason today those 2 lines stood out more than before.   I don't want my Mom's condition and my inability to fully cope with it to cloud my faith, my hope.  I don't think it has, but I will confess there are moments over these past couple of years that I have lost my focus to consuming feelings of grief, helplessness, and near despair.  I approach the edge of what I think is absolute despair and something pulls me from that edge just as I am peering over it.  It's my good Father, never far, always near and ready to comfort me in the absolute depth of it.  He brings me back to the realization of what I have to be thankful for in both the best and the worst of times.  I can't be shaken from the foundation I have in Him, it is always there when the fog of this difficult season clears briefly.   Hope, Peace, Strength, Love is mine in Christ, and He provides it to me without fail.  

Thanks be to God, who knows me and loves me and has me in His loving hands through every season of this life!


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