'Jesus, Jesus, You make the darkness tremble,
Jesus, Jesus, You silence fear'

I was reading in my devotional study this morning about the power of these 2 words regarding what Christ did for us:

Upon Him

The intention of that phrase, of what Christ came to do for every single one of us. He took it all upon Himself for us, every sin, everything for us. He took the ridicule, He took the judgement, He took the punishment, He took it all upon Himself so that we would not ever have to endure any of it that we so deserve. How do we fully comprehend the enormity of this love? How do we fully express our gratitude?

I started a new online Bible study by Max Lucado last night about Jesus, and I can tell already it is just what I needed. It's a beautiful and powerful reminder of Who He is to me, to this world, to us His wondrous creation. Even in the depths of this experience my Mom is going through, I have no greater comfort than to go straight to the Source of all hope. If I didn't have Jesus, I'd be spiraling downward very quickly right now. I am thankful He is with me and He is with my Mom through it all. I am thankful for the love, the power, the peace that comes over me in the name of Jesus.

As we begin to reflect upon the life of Jesus in the weeks ahead leading to Easter, I am more aware now than at any other time in my life just how much I need a Savior. How does my life reflect that gratitude daily? How is my life an abundant tribute to our God for what He has done for us through His Son?

'Your name is a light that the shadows can't deny
Your name cannot be overcome
Your name is alive forever lifted high
Your name cannot be overcome'

(Tremble, Mosaic MSC)


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