He is Risen!
“He is not here! He is risen!” (Luke 24:6 NIV) Last night I was imagining from my tiny perspective, what it must have felt like to approach the tomb where they laid Jesus’ body, to see the stone rolled away. The quiet moments after the women had already been there and the angels had just told them that He was not there, He is risen! The hush just before Peter must have come upon the now empty tomb and peered in to see the cloths laying on the floor of the tomb where He was laid. I imagine the birds must have been stilled even, all nature quieted just for a moment, as everything awakened with the sun that morning to realize this man whom God had sent to bring about salvation for all mankind in a most extraordinary act of sacrifice and mercy-was RISEN! I find myself on my knees, just in awe of what has happened here, the experience these women, these disciples had, has left a mark upon this world that I cannot completely appreciate until one day I am in the presence of A...