Lay it down....

Ephesians 4:32 NIV Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.

I have learned a little late in life just how much benefit there is to releasing my burdens to Christ. I would like to be able to boast in my ability to trust God with my cares wholeheartedly, but it would be a lie. I fall short daily. I have to completely uncurl my grip on my life every single day, and it is not easy. I like having control, but that’s not reality. God holds it all in the palms of His hands. I have this great view from my work station, our front office entry has floor to ceiling windows, so I get to look at and take in the beauty of the beginning of the day. It is my favorite time, because everything seems brighter, fuller, vibrant when I begin by considering all this that God made. Likewise, the days we have intense weather and it is dark and ominous outside, I look out in awe of the power of His creation. When I consider every day, the beauty and the intricacy of what God has made in this world around us, I can’t help but see the parallel with how He cares for us. And yet, our minds and hearts can be so easily swayed, and ruled by the things that happen to us. What is your natural reaction to a significant life change? We see it and are personally impacted by it: addiction, marital struggles, terminal illness, unemployment, homelessness, physical/emotional trauma, depression, anxiety, chronic illness and so much more. Our humanity cries out in reaction to these things with heartache, anger, disappointment, grief, fear, despair…..
How do we as His people find our way to a reaction of release rather than to grip more tightly to what we think we have control of? How do we fully and completely trust our God, who is capable of far more than we can possibly imagine, with the burden we carry? It is not easy, and it won’t ever be a natural reaction. Because of the Holy Spirit residing within us, we must choose a supernatural reaction!

We must stretch and work out our spirituality daily, no differently than what we do when we go to the gym for a good workout. The ability to trust God with our lives doesn’t just happen like the flip of a switch. It takes time and effort on our part. God doesn’t need us to trust Him, but He wants us to. He delights in our love and praise for Him! He created us for great purpose, to make His name great in all the earth, to share the abundance He has given us with others. I can’t imagine the joy the Lord experiences in seeing His people living in true freedom! We have so many reasons to give up and give in to the pressures of life coming at us all the time, but we have one amazing, all powerful and abundantly loving God who is reason enough to rise above it all!

I was challenged in our worship gathering yesterday to release some things that were burdening my heart. I came away from that time feeling the benefits of that release immediately. I don’t understand why people choose to linger in their burden, grip so tightly to the things of this world that they simply cannot control. Please hear me in this: releasing your worries and cares to God’s hands does not mean you don’t care; it means quite the opposite, my friend.

So I challenge you today, to lay it all before the feet of Jesus. Confess it, ask God to take it and cleanse your mind and heart, and then walk away from it. Choose to live free and forgiven. If you are going to remember it, then choose to remember forgiven! To spend a moment of your life dwelling on anything less is as if you never truly laid it down.

You are meant for more, far more than you can possibly imagine. Consider today your opportunity to live extending the kindness, compassion and forgiveness of the Father by your words and actions. Let your life shine more brightly today. He loves you and He delights in you! Isn’t He good?

Thank you, Father, that your compassion is abounding and never failing for me. I cannot imagine a moment of my life wasted dwelling on anything less than Your great love for me. It is what motivates me to love others and to be the best version of me in this cruel world. Help me today, Lord. Help me to trust You more and more. I am choosing to let go, trust You and live forgiven. Amen and amen.


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