
Forgive ... Release ... Freedom ...

Forgiveness. It does not come naturally to us as human beings. When we are hurt, our natural reaction is either to lash out and seek revenge or to withdraw and wallow in our wounded state. In my experience at least, these are the two most common reactions to being hurt.

I have been experiencing a challenging season in my life professionally, and as a result, I have been working through the process of being hurt and disappointed. I am a strong, independent and determined person and I have faced greater obstacles in my life compared to this particular situation, but it has been difficult for me to release it fully. I came to a point this morning, as I was doing my devotional time, considering my last days in this job and closing out physical files and my workstation, preparing for my transition to a brand new and wonderful work place ... I was still holding on to something. Because I felt, I was owed something. Know what I’m talking about? That whole reconciliation that occurs in the mind - our worst enemy is truly ourselves! - wondering when life is ever really going to be fair to us, when someone who has done something wrong to us doesn’t get what we think they deserve and hasn’t acknowledged the wrong they have done to us. Oh my goodness, it’s a nearly paralyzing experience we put ourselves through! It is absolutely unnecessary and a complete waste of our time and our emotions. I came upon this today and it helped me release and embrace on another level the ability to forgive.

‘Forgiveness is about release, releasing ourselves from those self-imposed limitations and self-defeating behavior patterns that tie us to the past in negative ways. Forgiveness is releasing our anger, fear, pain and resentment and opening our hearts to joy, peace and love. Yes, others may have done things that have hurt or harmed us, and they are responsible for those actions. But these individuals are not responsible for how we live the rest of our lives. We are responsible for that. How we respond to these past events and what we carry into our present and our future is entirely up to us and no one else. If we allow the past to negatively affect how we live the rest of our lives, the choices we make, our relationships and our behavior patterns, that is our choice and responsibility not that of the original offender.’

If you are struggling today to forgive someone or something, whatever that is for you - join me in taking the steps to fully releasing it to God’s perfect care.

Forgive ... release ... and live free!

Get rid of all bitterness, rage, anger, harsh words, and slander, as well as all types of evil behavior.
Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you. Ephesians 4:31-32 NLT


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