
"I will give you the treasures of darkness, riches stored in secret places, so that you may know that I am the LORD, the God of Israel, who summons you by name." Isaiah 45:3 NIV

I spent some time this past weekend in my quiet time, my prayer time, asking God to shed light on the places in my heart that I may have not wanted Him to see. My weaknesses. My inadequacies. My lacking of anything that would be fully and completely His. Questions I was left to ponder from two amazing Bible study/worship gatherings yesterday.

Am I cold, hot, or-God forbid-lukewarm in my faith?

Is my life a reflection of the hallowed name of my Father God-fully glorifying Him in all I say and do?

First truth that comes to mind clearly: I am a child of God. The day I accepted life in Christ, is the day I chose to live fully and completely in His beautiful purpose for my life. I didn’t get it at the age of 7, but as I have grown and matured in my faith, I have found strength, certainty, and confidence in the God who made me and saved me. So why on earth would I allow my life to become some lukewarm, watered down, stagnant, nasty version of myself? There is no greater desire within my heart than to see Christ glorified through me in my brief time on this earth. He has purpose for me even greater than I can fully imagine in this very moment.

“Hurt is inevitable, but misery is optional. How we respond to pits and pain is our choice.”(Girlfriends in God: What Will You Do With Your Pain? Mary Southerland, May 23, 2016)

I can either be propelled by the power of the Holy Spirit, or throw my hands up in defeat and fall into a hole of despair. I choose the first. It may require more of me than I think I’ve got to give, but I’ll grit my teeth and push on because it’s worth it for His Kingdom purpose.

Prayer is my greatest and most powerful tool I believe I have in my walk with Christ. I found the message last night to be particularly enlightening because of the expectation Father God has for me. I am convinced now more than ever, prayer is the key to unlocking a limitless level of connection with Him. When I choose more often to close my mouth, and instead open my ears and my heart to listen…..that’s when He speaks, that’s when He moves and my purpose becomes reality. I don’t think I am the only one who has a lot to learn still about simply listening, choosing to be still. I’m learning to embrace it far better as I get older.

There is treasure for each one of us, at the time God has chosen for us to receive it. That comes in different shapes and sizes for each one of us. What are you impatiently asking God for and what are you expecting of Him? Have you considered perhaps beginning your approach to Father God by simply thanking Him for being Who He is? Choose to refresh, reboot your time with Him today and make it your practice every day. He has beautiful purpose for you, but we cannot approach this with any other expectation than full and complete trust in Him and His perfect timing. Leave your humanity at the door, step into the presence of the Father with an open mind, open heart, and practice listening. He is ready to speak life abundant over you. It won’t come as you expect it, so lean into Him and He’ll move as He intends.

He knows you best, He loves you most, and His purpose for you is far beyond anything you can imagine.


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