He is never far away.....

Some days I feel like the stress is enough to suffocate me. Yesterday was one of those days. I found myself intermittently speaking to God through my day, “Give me peace, give me peace, give me peace….”

It’s hard when the burden is primarily for others. I’m at the bottom of the burden I carry, because I find the bulk of the burden I carry is for my family. Yesterday was brutal. If I’m honest, for some time I’ve been wearied by burden and soaking up every ounce of time just sitting quiet in the presence of God, needing His love and freedom to wash over me. I don’t say a whole lot, just find myself humming, singing, sighing, whispering His name, or saying nothing at all as I smile in my soul at the sense of His presence coming in to my being precisely when I need it. I want that for others, but I struggle to understand how to help others when they can’t seem to break through their current struggle.

Where is God when I need Him most? I just don’t feel Him right now. Why?

This struggle leaves many of us feeling so guilty, desperate to have some tangible evidence that He is here. It leaves us feeling inadequate, unmotivated, empty, heartbroken. We know what scripture says, we hear what others tell us that He is here with you right now. But it doesn’t help. Prayers are offered up, encouragement is laid out to step confidently into time with God reading His word, pouring it all out for Him to hear. What do we do when we see someone we love crippled by this, and unable to help them get beyond it? We love them and we pray for them. That’s what we do. We embrace them with the scriptures, the prayers, the encouraging and challenging words they need to hear, and we release them into God’s hands. We trust God will complete the work that needs to take place in them. We cannot fix anyone and we cannot save anyone. We have to be okay with not being okay. We have to be okay with knowing we’ve done what God called us to do in that moment, in that relationship, in that situation that person is struggling to get through. This is trust. This is love. This is obedience.

I want to be more and do more for my God in this life, but I cannot do anything without acknowledging first that He is in control, He will carry out every person’s purpose according to His will and in His perfect timing. Sometimes that means we have to be okay with watching those we love deeply make terrible decisions. That’s hard because for many of us, the instinct is to step in and rescue. I’m here to tell you sometimes rescue is okay, but sometimes it is not. Sometimes we have to watch as someone we love falls flat on their face, and finds their footing again so they can fully experience the struggle and its intended purpose for their lives. God has purpose in every single thing that we experience. Yes, it means we choose in the worst moments to praise Him instead of launching into our “Woe is me!” monologue for everyone to hear. It is not easy, it is not natural, but it is necessary for us to find closure and complete maturity on the others side of a difficult circumstance.

I challenge you today and every day, to set your mind and your mouth on God things: decide to speak life, hope, love! Start your day with the mindset that God is on His throne, He is not moved by anything that you will face today and He will be with you every step of the way.

He is never far away, He has not abandoned you. All too often without realizing it, we are the ones who have distanced ourselves from Him. We put what we are dealing with, what we are passionate about, what has upset us in a higher priority status than Him. Truth hurts, doesn’t it? Well, I love you my brother, my sister, but get over it and speak the name of Jesus and claim His abundant power for your life right now! Tap into the freedom that resides in you since the day you accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior!

I’m praying for you today to find it every day, reach for the God who knows you best, loves you unconditionally and makes all things new. He loves you. How He loves you!

There's a place where sin and shame are powerless
Where my heart has peace with God and forgiveness
Where all the love I've ever found
Comes like a flood
Comes flowing down

Here my hope is found
Here on holy ground
Here I bow down, Here I bow down
Here arms open wide
Here You save my life
Here I bow down, Here I bow down

At the cross
At the cross
I surrender my life
I'm in awe of You
I'm in awe of You
Where Your love ran red
and my sin washed white
I owe all to You
I owe all to You Jesus

(“At the Cross” Chris Tomlin)


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