Search me, know me, test me……

Psalm 139 is on my heart today, just mulling it over in my heart and soul, pondering, “What does God have to speak into my life through this meditative scripture?” Break it down, here’s a sum up of what this chapter speaks:

He knows me…
He is with me…
He made me…
He will deliver me…

Verse 23 of the Voice translation of the Bible says this and it is my prayer this week:

Explore me, O God, and know the real me. Dig deeply and discover who I am. Put me to the test and watch how I handle the strain.

I can just imagine sitting with David while he scratched out the words, pleading, crying out to God, because isn’t this what we long for the entirety of our journey with Christ? To be known fully by Him and to know Him more?

As I walked yesterday across campus on my lunch break, I prayed unceasingly, “Lord, move in this place, move in my heart to be more of you in this world!”

I’m heartbroken this week for many reasons, and it’s hard to miss when the stories are blasted in the media headlines for all of us to experience. Robin Williams’ death was a painful reminder to us all that at any given moment somebody is struggling with an addiction, with depression, and we are still learning the best ways we can help them get through it without it resulting in a tragic end to a remarkable life. There is help and hope in our God, and there are resources available in our communities for support so we need to be a part of the solution and share it! I will be one of the first to admit there are times when God is not enough, when we need intervention and help from tangible resources that are available in therapy and counseling, doctors and specialists who can partner with us to help us get to a healthier balance emotionally and physically. We cannot judge or dismiss struggles in this life by telling one another, “You just need to pray more and read your Bible more!” or any number of things that are typical responses in our Christian circles. We need to recognize that God provides helps to us through these resources, and it is okay to admit we have a struggle, we are weak and recognize the brain is a powerful force to reckon with to the point that sometimes we cannot sense God’s presence in our lives. There is no shame in this, because ultimately God knows each of us best and He knows what tools will be the most effective in shaping us to the healthier and whole being He always intended for us to be! Don’t for a moment allow yourself to think you are alone in your struggle. Reach out to someone you know you can trust, God the Father and then your community of Christ, whether it is your church family, a family member or a friend who is closer than a brother and can be trusted like no other with your struggles. You deserve to be loved and embraced in the midst of your weakness, you deserve to be valued and you deserve someone to listen more than anything. Sometimes the best help we can offer to someone in their time of struggle, is to simply listen. Lend a shoulder to cry on, or a lap to lay upon. These are moments of release and restoration that can be our greatest comforts in our darkest seasons. If you don’t have that, message me and we’ll talk. We need each other, we need our Father God, and we can only get through this rugged life one day at a time successfully when we know we have someone to lean on.

I want to extend this challenge to whoever may be reading this blog entry today, to be light in someone’s darkness because you have an opportunity that should not be missed! God will use you, and let me encourage you in this very moment to consider it doesn’t mean you have to be eloquent, or have the entire Bible memorized, or a witnessing tool in your hand in the form of a trac or scripture guide. Start by lending a hand, lending an ear, sharing your story and the rest will follow. God has a purpose for each of us, so let’s get out there and follow up on what He’s called us to do. Be His light, be His love, striving to know Him and share Him with every single person who crosses our path. Live out His love and light, share Jesus, and invite the Holy Spirit to breathe through you and be a vessel He can use to touch someone’s life today.

I believe this and I am praying this for you.


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