Progress, yes, we have some progress here!

Yesterday was a pretty exciting day in our lives. Well, exciting in terms of what we've endured the last year and a half. Ryan got a job. A really good job. A job that pays a good wage, a job he is good at, and that he can enjoy. This is a healthy and very positive step in a direction we've prayed over for months. He starts his new position as Accounts Payable Specialist for a company in Springfield on Tuesday. We are so thankful, so excited, so glad to see this door open, and God lead him through it to a real and wonderful offer with a great company. Thank you, Lord!

In my world, the wait continues. I had a wonderful interview with MSU last week and hope to hear from them in the next couple days. Ryan's offer got me a bit anxious, hoped I might hear something sooner than I have. Well, God has the plan in His hands. So I'll keep waiting and trusting He will lead me the right direction. The other job possibility is with old friends of mine from high school, a great opportunity with a lot of potential. The flexibility, creativity and opportunity to do more professionally than I have yet is very attractive and interesting to me. I am so thankful that God has opened both of these doors. In the mean time, I am working for one of our favorite retailers that I worked for previously. Thankful for that but still very focused on something far better, more rewarding, more satisfying than this. I know and believe God will honor the desires of my heart. Patience, faith, hope and trust. God is good, all the time. I will certainly keep you posted.

We are weaving our way right in at Northpoint and love it. God knew just what we needed when He moved us here. Ryan is on schedule to play, I am excited about singing soon, and the kids have gotten involved in their youth and children's programs, and we just can't say it in any other way but ahhhhhhhh...
It is so freeing, so amazing to be in a church with no expectations, no boundaries, just freedom and feeling as if we have come into a new season of true peace and joy. We are excited to get involved in more and more of what NPC is doing, and do our part to contribute all we can to our community for Christ. What an amazing God and what a journey we are on!


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