I Need You More, Lord...

What a great message today from the interim pastor at my brother in law's church, a reminder that life comes and goes in seasons and this, like so many others, is just that. A season. Although it seems like we have been in this season for an eternity, I realize and I hear God speaking to my heart, "All in good time, my child, all in good time." Some scripture for today:

2 Corinthians 1:8-11 ...We were crushed and completely overwhelmed, and we thought we would never live through it. In fact, we expected to die. But as a result, we learned not to rely on ourselves, but on God who can raise the dead. And He did deliver us from mortal danger. And we are confident that He will continue to deliver us. He will rescue us because you are helping by praying for us. As a result, many will give thanks to God because so many people's prayers for our safety have been answered.

2 Corinthians 1:21-22 It is God who gives us, along with you, the ability to stand firm for Christ. He has commissioned us, and He has identified us as His own by placing the Holy Spirit in our hearts as the first installment of everything He will give us.

I am listening to Kim Walker/Jesus Culture sing "I Need You More", and it is the song in my heart today. I need Your presence Lord, more than the air I breathe, more than the song I sing, more than anything...I need You more. I identify more than any other time in my life with the time Jesus chose to be alone, to spend time in deep meditation with God the Father. Ryan and I have appreciated taking a slower pace, the kind of pace that being in full time ministry does not afford. We have seen it from both sides now, life in ministry, life out of ministry and we have learned so much from our experiences to this point. We recognize this is not it, we have so much to learn yet but we know we are on a journey of healing.

As of two days ago, Ryan is unemployed again, and we are at a point once again where we need to make some decisions quickly. I have been contacted with a great job opportunity this past week but it is just in its infancy stage. We are praying that calendars will coordinate for this next week for me to secure a second interview, it is just a matter of waiting to hear from the employer. We are tired of trying to find just any job in this area for Ryan, and I know he is ready for something better than what he has had to do for the past year or so. Emotions are running very high, and the stress levels are through the roof. We are thankful for God's provision, our faith in Him is grounded more than ever, and we know that with the prayer support of our families and friends that we will get through this and there must be something greater on the horizon! Keep praying, know that we are thankful for you and we believe God will work only good from this. We may not be able to see it, but we know He does and He has our best in mind.


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