2012...Here we come!

Here is to closing the door on 2011 and walking through the open door to a new year: 2012. I am determined and highly expectant that this year God has some remarkable things for us! At this point in my life, looking back on so many experiences I can say with great confidence that certainly life is not going to be any kinder to me than it already has. So, with that in mind, here is some good scripture I stumbled upon tonight:

Colossians 3:23-24 “Whatever may be your task, work at it heartily from the soul, something done for the Lord and not for men, knowing with all certainty that it is from the Lord [and not from men] that you will receive the inheritance which is your real reward" (Amplified Bible).

Do you know what has given Ryan and I the most confidence to walk through this whole experience? God sees and knows our hearts. It was by His design that we came here, and it is by His design that we are still here. Regardless of anyone's interpretation of the work that has been done and ministry that has taken place, we can say God did something because we followed the call He placed on our hearts. There is work to do, right in our own backyards and from here the circles in our communities, our country, our world, expand in terms of needs to be met, hearts to be touched by the love of God shining through us as living examples. So what is your motivation in your Christ walk? What drives you to be who He has chosen to be love and hope for so many people who walk around with a huge, gaping hole of emptiness? They are seeking something to fill that emptiness, something that will set them free! How many people do we cross paths with every single day that may be looking to us for something as simple as a smile, a hug, a word of encouragement, an offer to pray for them? Do you know that God is sitting on the edge of His seat waiting and watching to see how you will respond when you choose to be used in that moment? Don't miss it. You may think a brief conversation with the clerk at the grocery store checkout is insignificant, but it very well could be an opportunity for you to share God's saving love with her at the very moment she needs to hear it. Check this out and let it simmer in your heart and mind for a bit:

Some people work to be seen and loved by people.
We work excellently because we are seen and loved by God.
(Called Magazine, Called to Inspire devotional, "God Will See", Marsha DuCille)

We have work to do, and we should not do it for the sake of anyone who may be watching, but because God is watching. It has to be such a joy for the Father to see His children sharing the hope and love of Christ with a world that so desperately needs Him!

As we head into this new year, we will not grow weary but will press on, knowing God has extraordinary purpose for us and it will certainly come about in His perfect timing.


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