Pondering, pondering.....

This morning I got up earlier than I usually do on a Sunday mainly because I knew I had some preparations for lunch today. I love the quiet, the stillness of the early morning before everyone is awake in the house. I was eager to get my cooking done and get to my quiet time. God took me to Hebrews 11 and Psalm 111 thanks to a wonderful daily devotional Bible I have. Hebrews 11 starting in verse 17 is filled with reminders of some very important men and how they chose to trust and obey God and by faith do what God called them to do. God's provision, how amazing, how wonderful! Then in Psalm 111:1-10 I was stopped in my tracks at verse 3.

'Everything He does reveals His glory and majesty.'

Everything? Really? I had to stop and ponder this verse, let it roll over and over in my heart and mind. Everything. How can that be? How is this, this we are going through, that? How can this, any of this reveal His glory, His majesty? God has been reminding me this week, just when I have been teetering on the edge of anger, desperation, frustration, such anguish over what feels like an never ending bad day, that HE IS STILL HERE. All is not lost, we cannot and shall not give up, we must press on toward the goal (Philippians 3:12-13) that is ultimately the reason we are on this earth. He has stripped us down to our very souls and we are living daily, hungry for His direction, His Word to cover us and protect us as we wait upon Him patiently. There are reasons we are still walking in this desert, and we do not understand it nor do we have all the answers yet. The sand is between my toes now, very uncomfortable, I am tired of it, I am ready for the oasis but...God says keep walking. I am frustrated but not fallen, I am bruised, battered but not beaten, I am resolved to stand firmly and confidently in the knowledge that God has a plan and He is not finished with us! We will continue to walk through this desert and trust that God is working, God is able, God will take care of us every step of the way.


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