Proverbs 3:5-6 says to Trust the Lord with all our hearts, and lean not on our own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your path straight.

It is Scripture I have known since I was a child and so hard for me to grasp at times. I like control, I like feeling like I have control of my life. Here's the kicker: I don't. That is hard for me to swallow most of the time. I have literally shouted through my tears at God because deep down, I am so frustrated with not having control. It makes me angry, and it makes me feel so helpless at the same time. After getting it out of my system, letting it go and acknowledging His presence I know peace that cannot be explained. It hushes my soul, gives me comfort, somehow provides strength beyond any human explanation. Why is that? Because He is God. I am astounded by His provision: last night was no exception. I am hosting a study group in my home and we have 20 women including myself. God is amazing in His provision! I watched these precious women rally around one of our sweet sisters in her time of need--God is so good. I love seeing Him work through the lives of others to encourage and lift up someone who is hurting so deeply. I was so inspired by the demonstration of faith in these women, the prayers, the personal testimonies lended to her based on their own experiences with similar struggles and ultimately how God has worked and restored. God desires to be trusted with everything in our lives, after all He is the Provider of all things. How often do we find ourselves struggling to trust God because the reality is we are holding on so tightly to the life we think we own? We have been bought by the blood of Jesus, and we have to daily fall before the throne in recognition of how weak and helpless we truly are. God wants our very lives, because He loves us so deeply. When I reach the point of complete brokenness, I realize all that matters is that He is God, He will take care of me, and He longs to be Lord of my life. I cannot think of a greater truth to embrace.


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